Better Futures (Post Care Service)

Better Futures is a new service and practice model designed to improve outcomes for young people transitioning from care to supported independence, up to the age of 21. It is guided by a Better Futures (Advantaged Thinking) practice framework and support is tailored to meet the individual needs of young people.

Better Futures is a new way of supporting care leavers, engaging with young people and their support networks, including case managers and care teams early in their transition from care and supporting young people across 5 service offers; housing and living skills, education, employment, health and wellbeing and community connections.

Young people are provided with levels of support which flex up and down according to their needs, existing support networks and the transition goals they have identified.

Young people are eligible for Better Futures support from 15 years and 9 months until their 21st birthday.

Working with the Department of Health and Human Services (the department) our Better Futures team aims to engage earlier with care leavers, supporting them to have an active voice in their transition planning and providing individualized supports.

Better Futures provides a model of service delivery that includes:

  • assisting with independent living skills
  • accessing flexible funding to support individual goals towards independence
  • providing direct case work support
  • sourcing of information and advice
  • provision of support to engage/re-engage with education, training and/or employment
  • support with care team, families/carers or school support groups to work together to fully support individual needs

To find out more about Better Futures:

Indi Mills is the Better Futures Program Coordinator and her contact details are below.

Contact Details
Indi Mills
K.Y.M. (Victoria) Inc
Phone: 03 9874 9650 Mobile:0477 994 003

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